5 day/wk: $14960.00
2 day/wk: $6600.00
3 day/wk: $9600.00
4 day/wk: $12800.00
For your convenience, fees are divided into ten payments, as follows: ALL POSTDATED CHEQUES MUST BE GIVEN ON DATE OF REGISTRATION. (Your child is not registered until we have all the postdated cheques.)
PLEASE NOTE: If your child is starting AFTER the beginning of the school year, please confirm the required payments with the office.
Included in Fees
- The child will benefit from a full BILINGUAL Montessori educational program taught by qualified teachers from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Childcare is included at no extra charge, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. After 6:00 p.m. there is a late fee of $1.00 per minute, payable directly to the staff member in charge.
- The children enjoy a complete music program given by a professional music teacher. Music classes are on Wednesdays and Thursdays (a half hour class in the afternoon – each child has one class per week, about 15-20 children per group). Classes include learning songs, using the percussion instruments, learning the rhythm of the music, practising some folk dancing routines, learning about music around the world, being introduced to over 30 different musical instruments, and much more. These classes are an integral part of the Montessori Program.
- A child’s introduction to science program given by qualified science teaching staff. The purpose of the science program is to encourage the child’s natural interest in how things work. The goal is to open the child’s mind to the possibilities and the joy of scientific discovery so that as he/she progresses throughout his/her schooling he/she will be open to this type of learning.
- An introduction to Mandarin, and Spanish or Italian, with games, songs and fun activities. Being introduced to more languages allows the child to appreciate the joy of learning a new language and motivates the child to continue with different languages later on in his/her education.
- A wonderful gardening and baking program for children. The children learn about where food comes from, they plant herbs and vegetables, they learn about good nutrition, and they learn how much fun it can be to create their own little breads, cookies, pizza, and more!
- All educational material and school supplies are included in the school fees. (Markers, notebooks, craft supplies, etc. are all provided by the school). There is no school uniform. Children should be dressed in comfortable play clothing.
- An excellent hot, nutritious meal with water or milk is served every day at lunch (please see our monthly menu for a detailed description). The menu can be modified for allergies or specific food requirements.
- Water or milk is provided at snack time (approximately 9:45 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.). Note: Snack is not included. Parents are asked to send two healthy snacks each day.

Optional Activities
Information for events is given at the beginning of each month. At that time, parents must complete the permission form and include the correct fee if they wish their child to participate.
Approximate charge for field trips and special events is $10.00-$80.00 per month.
These optional events can include:
- Yoga
- Ballet
- Sportball
- Karate
- Theatre
- Skating
- Gymnastics
- Swimming Lessons